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[SHilpa bhabhii was a kind naughty bhabhii who loves to play with me as i was so young and she cares me all the way .. but i have mixed feelings on her.. but being younger i was afraid on her.. but one day i saw the movie and it had first night scene.. i wasnted to know..but i was afraid to ask to anyone.. but one morning i gathered up courage and decied to ask bhabhii while she was working in kitchen but.. on that day that night bhabhii was about to give the best gift ever .. without knowing these i was walking to kitchen]
Bhabhii..... bhabhii... [ after waking up morning i was searching her] bhabhii.. where are u bhabhiiii
Shilpa : chotu i m in kitchen come come ....good morning 
(Kissed her chicks loving her as a kid
Wht hppen chotu today searching for bhabhi in the early morning tell me .....
[Image: hpse_fullsize__3777431384_Shilpa%20Shett...a7678b.JPG]
(17-08-2019, 10:26 PM)Lucifer Wrote: [ -> ]Shilpa : chotu i m in kitchen come come ....good morning 
(Kissed her chicks loving her as a kid
Wht hppen chotu today searching for bhabhi in the early morning tell me .....
[Image: hpse_fullsize__3777431384_Shilpa%20Shett...a7678b.JPG]

 good morning bhabhh[ before i could wish she bent and kissed my cheek so hard as she loves me so much as am being the small kid in the home] bhabhii... nothing bhabhii... i just searched for and no one is heer.. what happened bhabhiii [ am trying to turn her focus but she was insisting on why i was searching for her.. and also she was asking while preparing food for he rhubby who was about to go to office]
Shilpa : do my chotu need something......wht r u looking for tell me tell me.....i have to made breakfast for ur he getting late for office ...tell chotu what r u looking for .....(while she were little busy making breakfast for her hubby not looking at chotu while her back were viewing to her chotu..

[Image: hpse_fullsize__3896120300_Shilpa%20Shett...c865b1.JPG]
(17-08-2019, 10:39 PM)Lucifer Wrote: [ -> ]Shilpa : do my chotu need something......wht r u looking for tell me tell me.....i have to made breakfast for ur he getting late for office ...tell chotu what r u looking for .....(while she were little busy making breakfast for her hubby not looking at chotu while her back were viewing to her chotu..

[Image: hpse_fullsize__3896120300_Shilpa%20Shett...c865b1.JPG]

bhabhii... nothing bhabhiii .. nothing.... [ i was afraid as her hubby was also near to kitchen and i didn't wanna make it up now so i made the situation to changeand i started for school but she was keep on asking but i didn';t tell and in eve when i came home she was welcoming me so lovingly but still asking the smae as she knows i will tell her everything to her in lone time so she was waiting in living room watching tv while asking me to fresh up adn come to sit with her ]
Shilpa : come chotu how was ur day in school ......go n fresh up i make n juice for u .......chotu tell wht r u looking 
For in morning tell ur bhabhi.....(while now her boob were viewing to her little chotu..
[Image: hpse_fullsize__1729206324_Shilpa%20Shett...545b7f.jpg]
(17-08-2019, 10:47 PM)Lucifer Wrote: [ -> ]Shilpa : come chotu how was ur day in school ......go n fresh up i make n juice for u .......chotu tell wht r u looking 
For in morning tell ur bhabhi.....(while now her boob were viewing to her little chotu..
[Image: hpse_fullsize__1729206324_Shilpa%20Shett...545b7f.jpg]
 babhii nothing like that bhabhii... [ i tried my best to change the talk but she grabbed me and made me sit near her while her ahnds on my shoulder and she was playing with me like a kid while asking naughtily ad i was laughing as she was touching my waist and making me laugh] hahahaaaa bhabhiii stop it bhabhii hahahahahhaa plsss... its nothing bhabhii... i .. i... [ she stopped as i started and her eyes was looking staright to me while she was holding my shoulders while the same hot movie was being played in tv]
Shilpa : chotuuu tell ur do need something ur bhabhi will
Give u anything tell chotu  wht was u looking for is everything okkk......(asking her like a kid n she cared a lot for her chotu while she playing with her n her body touching chotu n chotu n felling something different as her bhabhi touching her
[Image: hpse_fullsize__4045432181_Shilpa%20Shett...6e057c.JPG]
(17-08-2019, 10:58 PM)Lucifer Wrote: [ -> ]Shilpa : chotuuu tell ur do need something ur bhabhi will
Give u anything tell chotu  wht was u looking for is everything okkk......(asking her like a kid n she cared a lot for her chotu while she playing with her n her body touching chotu n chotu n felling something different as her bhabhi touching her
[Image: hpse_fullsize__4045432181_Shilpa%20Shett...6e057c.JPG]

 bhabhiii thats'' tahts...... [ the exact same first night scene came in movie and i pointed out to tv] bhabhii... i saw this movie bhabhii.. what they are doing bhabhii... why they are locked up bhabhii... [ she laughed as i said locked up as the girl locked the door adn came in and she was feeling the innocence in me but she was also worried that her chottu is started to grow but doesn't know.. so without showing that emotion.. she was changing the topic and play fully asking tme to go to my room and sleep as she was buying time ot think what she can do i went up in sad way as she didn't say any and was lying in bed while hearing her foot steps around 9 pm]
Shilpa : that's nothing chotu she just loving her .......leave 
Chotu go n fresh n take some rest chotu bhabhi have to 
Finish some work ...(while chotu innocently asked her bhabhi for her love like in movie.....while shilpa trying to change the topic because she this type of thinking was not good for kid
[Image: hpse_fullsize__2921640374_Shilpa%20Shett...0e6754.jpg]