
Full Version: Godess Who Know How To Rule Men
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( i have been praying this for centuries now and finally godess have listened to my prayers and she have accepted my offer of roleplaying with me in xossipfap)
(i want no other thing in life ever now i have achieved my sucesss)
(i lay down the red carpet to welcome my godess )
Maam (i bend my knee and bow my head) please have mercy and step ur foot in this thread and bless me
[Image: red-carpet-and-barrier-picture-id8136373...169NRYDes=]
(07-07-2019, 10:03 PM)BUNNY\S_DOG Wrote: [ -> ]( i have been praying this for centuries now and finally godess have listened to my prayers and she have accepted my offer of roleplaying with me in xossipfap)
(i want no other thing in life ever now i have achieved my sucesss)
(i lay down the red carpet to welcome my godess )
Maam (i bend my knee and bow my head) please have mercy and step ur foot in this thread and bless me
[Image: red-carpet-and-barrier-picture-id8136373...169NRYDes=]
Well, you prayed so much....I had to answer your prayers. Be a good slave. Or else you know how angry i can be. Serve me well and you'll see heaven.[Image: october-16-2018-mumbai-india-actress-kar...PWPAR8.jpg]
(07-07-2019, 10:06 PM)Eddie Wrote: [ -> ]Well, you prayed so much....I had to answer your prayers. Be a good slave. Or else you know how angry i can be. Serve me well and you'll see heaven.[Image: october-16-2018-mumbai-india-actress-kar...PWPAR8.jpg]
(ohh i should have spoke too much but i should say)
maam i am ging to write the roleplay plot now
lets begin the journey maam
So Satish, Ready to serve the goddess of the universe? Consider yourself lucky you're getting the chance[Image: 26917515d009c0a7298b5c7b50d23edfa6a43bac.jpg]
(07-07-2019, 10:13 PM)Eddie Wrote: [ -> ]So Satish, Ready to serve the goddess of the universe? Consider yourself lucky you're getting the chance[Image: 26917515d009c0a7298b5c7b50d23edfa6a43bac.jpg]

(out of the 10000s i got the chance of becoming ur devotee and i know the pain i had to went throught overcoming everyone  and becoming ur devotee)
thank u godess kareena for accepting me as ur devotee (i stand 10 feets away with bowed down head)
Come closer Satish.....feel the power of the devi. The goddess....you have to serve me with your life.... Sacrifice yourself for me....[Image: 269175194679a2e2f7704bef48351ed556edaa5a.jpg]
(07-07-2019, 10:20 PM)Eddie Wrote: [ -> ]Come closer Satish.....feel the power of the devi. The goddess....you have to serve me with your life.... Sacrifice yourself for me....[Image: 269175194679a2e2f7704bef48351ed556edaa5a.jpg]

(i started walking for 2 feet but later watching ur attitude my knees lost its power and i started crawling on my knee and later on all 4 )
yes maam i can sacrifice my life
i can kill my family for u 
u order i obey my godess
(i was crawling closer to u like a dog)
Give update on bebo
(myself satish kumar yadav the servant of the Dcruz family my family have served the Dcruz family since the ancient british rule and now it my turn to serve the royal dcruz family)

( i am originally from bihar a lower caste black skinned guy my height is 6 feet 2 and weighs 90 Kgs and my age is 22 i am the chief servant of the Dcruz castle and i have never taken a leave in my entire career but now my marriage was supoosed to happen on 15 th december so i wanted to take a leave for 20 days )
( it was a sunday afternoon and i came to the Dcruz castle rang the bell) 

ding dongg ding dngg

(i was wearing a blue shirt and a dark blue pant )
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